FarmTek Timers For Sale

For Sale:
2 – complete sets of wireless FarmTek timers.
With tri-pods, and hand buttons for ranch sorting (if needed)
$600.00. ($975.00 plus tax and shipping new)
1 – 10″ LED Display board with wireless interface.
$1000.00. ($1400.00 plus tax and shipping new)

All of this equipment is in new condition. It was use for the AQHA World Show in November only.
For more information call Mike@ 419-208-1010

On the Road with Dawn and Clea (Catch Up!)

Dawn and Clea did in fact do their homework and write this long ago… I’ve just been SO hectic lately I haven’t gotten it up. So, the wait is over! Here it is. 

Before and After the almighty All American Quarter Horse Congress

Oct 18th found us at the last show at 4T’s Arena in Ashville, Ohio, at the Theado’s.  As always it was a great turn out and fun was held by all. We sold the last of the T-shirts and would like to thank Jordan Burg for being the model for the cause.

The next weekend would take us to Ruggles. We took this photo as there was so many people at Ruggles we were not sure we were at the right place. With the BBR at Henderson going on and the fact that it was Ruggles we were surprised but happy for the Ruggles Arena and we hope that they can continue to have bigger shows. We only took the pole pony, Cracker, so Clea could get a run in before Congress. There was plenty of talent there for running poles. Exhibitions had its moments; Brannon, Kelly and Clea did have to set the gate lady straight when she wanted to cut off the exhibition poles.  Unfortunately this is a common thing that happens during pole exhibitions; show committee’s do not leave enough time for the pole exhibitions that are usually ran after barrels. We would hope to see in the future enough time allotted for pole expos so we can see this event brought back strong to Ohio and surrounding areas. Just like Dustin Whitesel is bringing sexy back we want to see poles brought back STRONG!  When you have talent like Clea Remington, The Riley’s, Trent Tobin, Tara & Stacey Henkel, Amy Snyder and Cody Powell just to mention a few, this talent should not be wasted! The Theado’s were there as well. Always nice to see them. Kelly, Matt and the gang from up north were there as well. It was a cold windy October day but nice with no rain.

The next trip we would take would be to Columbus, Ohio. When I say we have been nonstop (like everyone I am sure) I mean nonstop. Monday, Oct. 24 would find me at the office and Clea headed to the hardware store on an unexpected trip to get parts to finish up the waterline then an afternoon trip to Columbus to meet Bryan Ford to pick yet another young horse. Instead of heading to Oklahoma AGAIN we caught this one a ride with Bryan.  (Thank you!)

On our last trip to Okieland we saw this horse and another and did not have room for either at the time but later decided on the way home that YES we would take them. So we needed a ride for them.  We did have a ride for both of them earlier in the month (you know to get them home and settled before Congress, yah that really didn’t work out)  But in the long run we were able to get them to Ohio before we left (well the day we left for Congress). So it’s Monday and our week has gotten started… Clea gets her (we call the new horse Grey–I know very inventive huh!) home, I get home from work and as we are admiring her beautiful grey colorings we both say, almost in unison “Do you remember her head being so big?” then we laugh. She settles in and we finish out the night with the norm.

Tuesday would bring a beautiful morning and thank God for that as we are leaving to get to Congress Tuesday night about 10 p.m. and we have to get the waterline finished and finish packing the trailer, the horses cleaned up blah blah blah… oh yes and we have to meet Cody Bauserman in Columbus at 10:30 p.m. to pick up the other young horse that we needed to get home from Okie. Now we have a different timeline–what’s new we always do! So we get all the water line in and we rope off all that we can so the horses can not get in to any trouble while we are gone. So it is about 8 p.m. I run to town to get a few items at the store and Cody calls that they are about 1.5 hours out from Columbus, so I hustle home and get Clea and we head out to get the 2nd horse. This is a sister to the grey. We head to meet Cody–I am exhausted Clea is exhausted. We meet Cody and Stephanie by the fairgrounds he pulls the horse off the trailer, and we do a Dear Baby Jesus prayer that she is going to get back on our trailer to head back to West Salem. She hops right on.  Thank you Baby Jesus. THANK YOU CODY and STEPHANIE for getting that horse up to us. Oh and we call her Bay–yep you guessed it she is a bay.

So on the way home I say OMG I am so tired I need a 5 minute nap then I will be fine. It is 11:15 at this time and we should have been in bed about 2 hours ago. So I curl up in the seat–think I will never be able to sleep in this seat, so 65 minutes later I am awake… oooopppps so much for Nelly Navigator…I knew she knew where she was headed so that is why I took a little snooze. We roll into the driveway with Bay and get her off the trailer and it was like dejuvu’ “Man I don’t remember their heads being so big!” We laugh like crazy and decide we better get some things finished packed up and hit the road as we are headed back to Congress.

Well it is now 1:15 a.m. Betty has the Pete started and I start loading the dogs. Lynn, Clea’s Mom is trying to go to sleep as we are in and out of the house getting ready to leave.  We leave her with 8 horses, 2 dogs and a water leak! Yikes that woman must love us! We sure love her. Well horses are loaded, dogs are in, we are pulling out the drive and we both look at each other like WTH are we thinking… Well I will tell you… Is it easier to park a 66 foot rig when there is little to no traffic at Congress OR WAIT til there are people everywhere?  WE ROLL ON!

We are headed down 301 thru West Salem and of course Betty has the peddle to the metal (well like 40) through town and little did we know they had done a little resurfacing of the road we hit that road and you would have thought we were on the rail road tracks at Canal Winchester again. We bounce through town it wakes us up for sure and we hit I 71 with the cruise on and get going to Congress!

to be continued! 

Pete Oen Talks About His Stand-Out Congress

Pete and All Fame No Bull

The classic headline, “Local Boy Makes Good,” would be fitting for this story. Pete Oen is originally from Wapakoneta, Ohio, but has gone on to become one of the most revered trainers and competitors in the barrel racing and futurity world. This year, he came home to Ohio and put on a show at the All American Quarter Hors Congress, taking home the Sweepstakes Finals win and being crowned the Reserve Sweepstakes Champion, aboard the stand-out gelding All Bull No Fame. So, what better place for Pete to talk about this Congress than the only place that covers barrel racing in Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia: The Barrel Racing Blog.

We’re thrilled to have Pete here for the first (but not the last) time!

Tell us about the horses you ran at the Congress (names, bloodlines, age, owners, running styles).

Both of the horses I competed on at the All American Quarter Horse Congress are by the great, late Dash Ta Fame. Famous Blue Eyes is out of a daughter of Disco Jerry (TB) and All Fame No Bull is out of a daughter of Bully Bullion. He is a full sibling to Famous Silk Panties, all-time money leading barrel racing horse in the history of the event. They are both 4-year-old futurity horses this year. Famous Blue Eyes is now owned by clients of mine from Quebec, Canada Charles and Catherine Jobin. They purchased her this past spring from me. I own All Fame No Bull myself. Famous Blue Eyes is more of a push style horse and All Fame No Bull is very much a free runner.

What classes did you place in at the Congress this year?

I ran Famous Blue Eyes and All Fame No Bull in the Junior Barrels and the Barrel Racing Sweepstakes. All Fame No Bull was Reserve Champion and Famous Blue Eyes placed 7th in the Junior Barrels. All Fame No Bull fell completely down in the first round of the Barrel Racing Sweepstakes, which was our first run of the week. I was concerned about the rest of our barrel racing competition, but it sure got better. He ended up placing 6th in the second round of the Barrel Sweepstakes, bringing him back to the finals in the 6th fastest position as well after both qualifying rounds. He won the final round posting a 14.890, the fastest run of the week of all classes! Unfortunately we had an exact tie for the average and the Champion of the Sweeps, first time in the history of the event. We didn’t want to run our horses again, considering they are only 4 year olds and that was their 4th run so far that week. We had no say in what was to be done. The AQHA rule is that there is to be a run off in the event of a tie for a championship. There really wasn’t any time to regroup or prepare for the run off. I was to run first. My horse gets a bit on the silly side after a run and it takes him a bit to calm down.

We saw you run in one of the most dramatic finishes in Congress Sweepstakes history. What was going through your head going down the alleyway to make your run in the run off?

As I mentioned there was not much time for this to take place. As I got back on him and headed to the alley I told myself to “make a strong, clean run” and “See what happens?” Unfortunately I got a little bit past the first barrel and tried to make up some time, cutting it a lil close at the second barrel, knocking it down. So, unfortunately the outcome was that we were crowned the Reserve Champs. Still completely something to be proud of, because we ran two clocks that proved to be the Champions.

What is it about your horses’ styles that made them so good for the Congress’ tough arena?

I thought All Fame No Bull had a bit of an advantage over Famous Blue Eyes going into the competition before it even started. He can handle firmer ground than her, and he doesn’t mind running up into a wall, as she tends to like it a bit deeper and the barrels off the walls.

What was your strategy going into the Congress this year?

They only strategy I had going into the congress was to try and prepare my horses to be at their peak performance, and to make sure they were healthy and strong. The Congress is not always the easiest thing to prepare for… The ground can change from day to day or from 50 riders to the next 50 riders.

What was your goal for the 2011 Congress, and did you reach it?

I didn’t really have a goal for the Congress. We always want to win so I guess that was my goal. I really wanted to place in the top proving my horses and not letting them down. And this is a big family- and back-home, old-friends kind of crowd I no longer get to see very much. So I wanted them to see the talent that both of my horses have and see how much I have grown as a trainer and competitor.

What is your goal for All Fame No Bull’s career?

I don’t have any real “goals” for All Fame No Bull. I would love for him to win something big before the year ends. He as been reserve champion on 3 occasions at big competitions. He is a great horse and I think he needs a Championship to his name! Most important of all is for him to continue to be a great barrel horse for many years to come… Bo Hill, good friend of mine has set a goal for me… to win $100,000 this season. Famous Blue Eyes has won $37,000 and All Fame No Bull has won $30,000 so far. I will have to let you know if my horses and I reach it as a team.

Tell us what it’s like going off on your own training venture. What have been the biggest challenges, and what’s been the biggest reward?

I have been a bit on edge and unsure going out on my own this past year. It sure has been an experience. My biggest challenge I thought was getting people to send me horses to train. Fortunately that has not been a problem. Guess someone is looking out for me… Best thing is that I have the two very best horses of my barrel racing career and have won the most money in a single season of my career this year!!! A special thanks goes out to my parents, sister Carey, Kyle Leleux and Bo Hill. I am proud to tell everyone that my horses came from Bo Hill and Jeff Switzer as they raised and started both of them.

What colts do you have coming for 2012 that you’re truly excited about?

I have a couple nice colts for the 2012 season. I have the full sibling to Famous Nadine, his name is Power Fame. He is entered in the $100,000 slot race at the BFA World Championships in December of this year.

What has been the biggest win of your career?

The biggest win of my career is difficult for me to determine. I would have to say it’s placing two horses in the top 10 in the same year at Old Fort Days Futurity. Famous Blue Eyes placed 5th and All Fame No Bull placed 9th. I was the only one who placed two horses in the top 10 this year. But a close second is between this Congress Sweepstakes win or Reserve Champion at the Jud Little BFA futurity. All which I consider where we ran with the “cream of the crop!”

Tell us about the greatest horse you’ve ever run.

The greatest horse I have ever ran is All Fame No Bull. He is truly a gifted athlete and has talent that with all the training in the world, you can’t teach other horses!!! And to top that off he is unbelievably fast!

How did you get into barrel racing, and how did you learn to train?

I started barrel racing when I was 6 years old and it has been an addiction I can not go without. My parents’ best friend was a horse trainer and we used to go ride at their house. Next thing you know we had horses and we were doing what we thought was the right thing. We learned things the hard and easy way over the years of barrel racing. I learned to train a lot by trial and error as a youngster. Then I worked with a couple of the professionals that were older and more advanced than me for several years. Ultimately ending up where I am today, on my own doing what I love most, training barrel horses!!!

What are your ultimate goals in barrel racing?

I have set some really high goals for myself. I may never reach them, but if you are going to set goals, set them high. They are to win an AQHA World Championship, BFA World Championship Futurity, NBHA World Championship, and other high profile events throughout the World. Possibly extending into foreign countries such as Italy, Brazil, and China.

Meet the Best of the Best in Ohio: Hannah Shirey (and a Bonus Interview with Jenna Shirey!)

The Shirey family has the most competitors of in this race of any family in the state, with a stunning three members that qualified. Hannah will be running, but Jenna will have to take a medical redshirt because of an injury she sustained a few weeks ago. Individually, each of the Shireys has earned a spot in this race, but as a family, they are a dominating force. Learn more about Hannah and Jenna below. 


Tell us about the horse you’ll be running in The Best of the Best in Ohio Barrel Race. (Name, bloodlines, style, age, owner, any other fun details.)

I will be running Sissys French Guy, or we call him Pierre. He is the beautiful gelding of Smug Sissy and Frenchmans Guy. He is 6 years old and definitely acts like it. My Grandpa Dan actually owns him but has let me pretty much have him. He is my little boy and I think I love him more than I have any other horse!

What is the biggest race this horse has won?

I believe the biggest barrel race he has ever won would be the NBHA point shows here in Ohio. He did place at the Great Lakes National though!

What is your biggest win as a barrel racer?

I won the Colonial Nationals three years ago.

Have you ever run at the WB Ranch before? (If so, what did you think of the facility and the ground, and how did your horses work there?)

I like WB alot, we do not go there often because we live so far but I really like it. Pierre did well the one time I took him there, we won the youth and placed in the open.

Tell us one little-known fact about you or your horse. 

Pierre is probably the most rotten horse, we go hand-in-hand. 🙂

This race is all about charity – What’s the biggest cause you believe in and why?

The cause I believe in the most would have to be helping children in need and definitely giving animals homes.


Tell us about the horse you’ll be running in The Best of the Best in Ohio Barrel Race. (Name, bloodlines, style, age, owner, any other fun details.)

My horses name is Tiny Bit Of Fashion; she is a 10-year-old mare. Her dad is Leaders Luck and her mother is Fashions April Jet. She is a super quick mare who tends to get ahead of me lol…but she is a blast!! Brad and I have owned her for about five years.

What is the biggest race this horse has won?

I have done really well with her at our state shows, and got second behind Barbara in the first go this year! Brad and Hannah have also won a lot of local shows with her as well.

What is your biggest win as a barrel racer?

I can’t say that I have won a huge barrel race, but I have placed high at many. Running second behind Barbara and Miss Secret Memories is probably my proudest moment.

Have you ever run at the WB Ranch before? (If so, what did you think of the facility and the ground, and how did your horses work there?)

I have only run Fashion once at WB but she did well. It’s a great facility with good ground. A very nice place to have a show.

Tell us one little-known fact about you or your horse. 

I have only been running barrels since I met brad, he has taught me everything I know. He has blessed me with good horses and teaches me new things all the time. He always tunes Fashion when she needs it and runs her occasionally. I wouldn’t even be considered for this if it wasn’t for him. We are very blessed to own Fashion, she fits in well with us. She is happy here. I am very honored to be a part of this, thank you all!

This race is all about charity – What’s the biggest cause you believe in and why?

I don’t have a favorite cause, if it has anything to do with helping people that are in need I’m all for it! This is a wonderful thing they are doing for this little girl!!

Junior Horse to Watch Update: Smashs Jaded Lady Rocks SEC

Kasey MacInnes and Smashs Jaded Lady rocked the Junior Horse barrel racing this weekend at Simmons Equestrian Center, during the Firecracker Classic Barrel Race held there.

The duo won the Junior Horse barrel race on Saturday with a 15.6, less than a second off the winning 1D Open time, and were third with a 15.7 on Sunday.

Guess what folks? This awesome Junior Horse is FOR SALE : ) Get her while she’s hot! Here’s the link to her ad on Barrel Horse World:

For-Sale Friday!

Here’s what’s for sale today:

1. Im A Peppy Homegirl (2006 sorrel overo APHA mare); registration number 867,357; owned by Corey McBride at 530-838-0504 – CALL for pricing

2. Sizzle (2006 AQHA mare – no papers, breeders certificate only but able to be registered. Goes back to Jet Deck on top.) 5-year-old started heel horse, put together just about perfect. This mare is 14.1 and stout. She’s got a big whoa and she’s quiet to be around. She’s drug steers and logs, and she tracks great. Email or message/call me for more info!

She’s started on the barrels, too, and she’s really athletic. She’ll be a gritty little rodeo horse on the heel side and in the barrels once finished. She’s good-minded enough to do both. She goes back to Jet Deck on the sires side. We do NOT have papers on this mare because her breeders never registered her, but we DO have the breeder’s certificate.

We’re just getting rid of her because we’re over-horsed and Corey is a header. This mare can head but she should be heeling or running barrels, and god knows I’ve got way too many to run right now. She’s as athletic as they come and she’s already been hauled to ropings and roped off of in practice. She’s done long rides through the mountains too. Ride her in an O-ring or a little chain bit. Comes with health papers/coggins, located in Lyons, Colorado. 

3. Preacher (13-year-old sorrel gelding); owned by Darby Carter 254-290-9299 in Texas;
Preacher is now for sale. He is a 13 year old gelding and a very good horse to learn barrel racing on. He’s also really good for little kids to ride. Very gentle and laid back but will run if you ask him to. If you’d like to look into it please message me. Thank you.

4. Tika (13.3-hand 16-year-old registered Quarter Pony) All-around pony, jumping, showmanship, dressage, flatwork, started on the barrels, SUPER trail pony. She’s flashy and cute and will do great in the show pen. She was shown before her recent owners bought her but she’s been a trail horse and a lesson horse for about 5 years, but that doesn’t mean she’s any less broke or ready to win! Ride her in a snaffle or a hackamore, with or without a tiedown and with or without spurs. This thing is BROKE and ready to be your kid’s all-star show pony OR your next lesson horse. $2,500 OBO, located in Lyons, Colorado, will haul for a good home. Email or call 724-882-7267 for more info.